Christmas. Christmas Christmas Christmas! I am so very excited for the season this year, though it would NOT appear so from the outside. I have zero decorations up in the apartment. They are still safely stowed in a rubbermaid since after Christmas last year. And I did suggest to Chris (again) the idea of not doing gifts for one another so as to save some money (shame shame). It's almost like a routine for us now. I plant the idea and he reasons me out of it. I just think it would really be impossible to stop that man from getting me something. BUT even though I lack the energy to winterize our little apartment, I am really looking forward to our first Christmas as a family. We even had a "rush" photo session here, after my sister politely insinuated that I really should do some Christmas cards, and it's not too late to get on the ball with that. Armed with a $20 off code at shutterfly that expired at midnight that evening, we had Chris' parents come over, whipped up a semi-legit looking greeting on our giant chalkboard, seated ourselves on the couch, and smiled for the camera. Got those suckers uploaded and prints ordered by 10 that night. Phew. Results.
Little Judah is quickly outgrowing the "little!" He will be a 3 month old by the end of this year. :) He started smiling on Sunday, December 9th. He is still very much into his tongue exercises, has started cooing and warbling, and loves to lift and wave his head all around.
I really got into the crafting-for-Christmas-gifts this year. All I really need to say is: I discovered chalkboard paint. :) Some last creations are drying on the kitchen table, and we have some more shopping to do tonight, and then I think we are about wrapped up.. catch that..? ;)
Looking forward to next week and having friends over for dinner, a drive through Keizer neighborhood lights, the Jr. High youth group Christmas party with food and elf costumes, seeing The Hobbit with a birthday brother-in-law, and birthdays for my dad and grandma. Merry Christmas from our family to your's!
edit to post blooper:
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Birth Story of Judah David
It was Sunday, October 28th, almost a week past my due date, and yes, I was discouraged. Chris suggested we get out of the house that evening, and so we went over to visit at his parent's house. We were watching some tv, and baby was going wild inside. I jokingly asked Crystal if this was what happened the night she went into labor with any of her kids. A little after 9 we headed home. Crystal came out to the car and asked if we wanted to come inside to pray with the family. Many prayers were said that baby girl would come SOON.
11 pm I was sitting up in bed as usual, having painless contractions. Timing them, as usual. What was UNusual was that they were 5-1-1!! Almost on the dot. Finally. Woke Chris up, we both calmly finished packing the hospital bag with some snacks and toiletries. I did my hair and some makeup in the bathroom ;) Left the house at about 1 am. At check in at the hospital, I was a 3. We walked the halls for 45 minutes, and BAM! Contractions became painful. And this was when I found out I would be having back labor. I am still working on an adequate way for me to articulate back labor. Like a jackhammer, set on fire, drilling into your lower back... that's what I've got so far.
After walking I was checked and only at a 3 1/2. The nurse consulted the on-call doctor and came back with a sorrowful face and told me the doctor didn't think I was progressing enough, and that I was going to be sent home. I was devastated. They were going to send me home with something to help me sleep, but I was so nervous about the already horrendous pain with each contraction. I thought I'd pass out for sure ;) We then had to call Chris' mom and retract the statement that we were being admitted. The nurse offered to check me one last time. I was a 4. She consulted with the doctor again, and got the go-ahead to admit me. She started the jacuzzi. I think it was about 3 or 3:30 at this point.
I lasted not even 10 minutes in the tub, I felt confined and couldn't sit still with the contractions. My best bet was the yoga ball and leaning over the hospital bed. I not only was squeezing Chris' hand, but pulling very hard on his thumb/wringing his neck/chest, etc. The jump from a 4 to a 6 took between one and two hours. I asked for the epidural. The nurse said "ok, sure, and the anesthesiologist lives here in town so he'll be here in no time." I thought: he's not here at the hospital now?!?
He was pretty quick to arrive, and he started his spiel. I said yes, and ok to everything :) He put it in, and asked how I felt. I still had feeling on my left side. They had me lay on that side to let gravity pull it over. Meanwhile, I was concerned that I was still feeling contractions. He told me it generally took about 3 or 4 contractions to fully take effect. Gahhh I thought I was home free.
When it did take full effect it was amazing. I had a perfect epidural. The only side effect was that I was shaking pretty violently for a couple hours. During this time my mother in law and two sister in laws came in and visited. I was doing great, just really annoyed by the shaking. I was at a 9 by about 11 in the morning. My OB came and checked me at about 12:30, and I was complete. I started pushing at 1:05.
Then came three long hours of pushing. The first half hour or so was figuring out how I was supposed to push. I was scared to turn the epidural down - they left it alone - so pushing was tricky. About an hour into it I made the first little bit of progress. Second hour I was frustrated, and getting desperate. I remember asking the nurse for help... thinking I couldn't do this. I developed a fever. Boy oh boy they could not get that delivery room cool enough for my liking. I requested a fan, and had cool wash cloths on my forehead and neck. They made me wear an oxygen mask. I think I asked about every 5 minutes if I could take it off. I'm sure I thought it was completely unnecessary.
Finally, Chris started telling me he could see her head. He got giddy. Waaayy excited. He didn't think he was going to watch but he found he couldn't NOT watch. Pressure got very intense. Many, many more pushes. My doctor was called. He came in about 3 or 4 minutes before the baby crowned. He had me stop pushing to slip off the umbilical cord from the head. Then it went fast, and very painfully. Baby slipped out, noiselessly, and doctor headed toward the warmer. Chris looked at me, wide eyed, and said "Sarah, that is NOT a little girl." I said "what?" and then totally and joyfully accepted it. We had a son! Was tearing up, but Chris and I sat motionless for about 8 minutes, holding hands, as the doctor and two nurses worked on the baby. The hardest part was not hearing anything from the baby, or seeing him move at all. Finally we heard little gurgles, no cries. When they brought him to me I was just overwhelmed that I now had a child, no surprise at the gender at all. Then I really started crying. They asked if we had a name. We actually had settled on a boy's name first: Judah David. The banter between us, the nurses and the doctor on the gender surprise was pretty fun :)
Chris then made some proud papa phone calls to the waiting room. Everyone he told replied with "you're kidding," or "you're lying." So fun!!!
We left the hospital at about 7:30 Halloween night. With an apgar score of 2, then 8 and 9, Judah had to be on antibiotics for a bit. Recovery for mom has been pretty great, and Judah has gained a pound since hospital discharge two weeks ago.
Judah David
Born: October 29th, 4:24 pm.
7 lbs. 10 oz, 20 in. long
11 pm I was sitting up in bed as usual, having painless contractions. Timing them, as usual. What was UNusual was that they were 5-1-1!! Almost on the dot. Finally. Woke Chris up, we both calmly finished packing the hospital bag with some snacks and toiletries. I did my hair and some makeup in the bathroom ;) Left the house at about 1 am. At check in at the hospital, I was a 3. We walked the halls for 45 minutes, and BAM! Contractions became painful. And this was when I found out I would be having back labor. I am still working on an adequate way for me to articulate back labor. Like a jackhammer, set on fire, drilling into your lower back... that's what I've got so far.
After walking I was checked and only at a 3 1/2. The nurse consulted the on-call doctor and came back with a sorrowful face and told me the doctor didn't think I was progressing enough, and that I was going to be sent home. I was devastated. They were going to send me home with something to help me sleep, but I was so nervous about the already horrendous pain with each contraction. I thought I'd pass out for sure ;) We then had to call Chris' mom and retract the statement that we were being admitted. The nurse offered to check me one last time. I was a 4. She consulted with the doctor again, and got the go-ahead to admit me. She started the jacuzzi. I think it was about 3 or 3:30 at this point.
I lasted not even 10 minutes in the tub, I felt confined and couldn't sit still with the contractions. My best bet was the yoga ball and leaning over the hospital bed. I not only was squeezing Chris' hand, but pulling very hard on his thumb/wringing his neck/chest, etc. The jump from a 4 to a 6 took between one and two hours. I asked for the epidural. The nurse said "ok, sure, and the anesthesiologist lives here in town so he'll be here in no time." I thought: he's not here at the hospital now?!?
He was pretty quick to arrive, and he started his spiel. I said yes, and ok to everything :) He put it in, and asked how I felt. I still had feeling on my left side. They had me lay on that side to let gravity pull it over. Meanwhile, I was concerned that I was still feeling contractions. He told me it generally took about 3 or 4 contractions to fully take effect. Gahhh I thought I was home free.
When it did take full effect it was amazing. I had a perfect epidural. The only side effect was that I was shaking pretty violently for a couple hours. During this time my mother in law and two sister in laws came in and visited. I was doing great, just really annoyed by the shaking. I was at a 9 by about 11 in the morning. My OB came and checked me at about 12:30, and I was complete. I started pushing at 1:05.
Then came three long hours of pushing. The first half hour or so was figuring out how I was supposed to push. I was scared to turn the epidural down - they left it alone - so pushing was tricky. About an hour into it I made the first little bit of progress. Second hour I was frustrated, and getting desperate. I remember asking the nurse for help... thinking I couldn't do this. I developed a fever. Boy oh boy they could not get that delivery room cool enough for my liking. I requested a fan, and had cool wash cloths on my forehead and neck. They made me wear an oxygen mask. I think I asked about every 5 minutes if I could take it off. I'm sure I thought it was completely unnecessary.
Finally, Chris started telling me he could see her head. He got giddy. Waaayy excited. He didn't think he was going to watch but he found he couldn't NOT watch. Pressure got very intense. Many, many more pushes. My doctor was called. He came in about 3 or 4 minutes before the baby crowned. He had me stop pushing to slip off the umbilical cord from the head. Then it went fast, and very painfully. Baby slipped out, noiselessly, and doctor headed toward the warmer. Chris looked at me, wide eyed, and said "Sarah, that is NOT a little girl." I said "what?" and then totally and joyfully accepted it. We had a son! Was tearing up, but Chris and I sat motionless for about 8 minutes, holding hands, as the doctor and two nurses worked on the baby. The hardest part was not hearing anything from the baby, or seeing him move at all. Finally we heard little gurgles, no cries. When they brought him to me I was just overwhelmed that I now had a child, no surprise at the gender at all. Then I really started crying. They asked if we had a name. We actually had settled on a boy's name first: Judah David. The banter between us, the nurses and the doctor on the gender surprise was pretty fun :)
Chris then made some proud papa phone calls to the waiting room. Everyone he told replied with "you're kidding," or "you're lying." So fun!!!
We left the hospital at about 7:30 Halloween night. With an apgar score of 2, then 8 and 9, Judah had to be on antibiotics for a bit. Recovery for mom has been pretty great, and Judah has gained a pound since hospital discharge two weeks ago.
Judah David
Born: October 29th, 4:24 pm.
7 lbs. 10 oz, 20 in. long
Monday, October 8, 2012
Final Nesting
38 weeks today. For me, that means hardcore nesting.
I was blessed by my church family yesterday with a baby shower - and I really got all the last items I needed. Crib sheets, onesies bigger than 6 months, lotsa lotsa diapers and wipes.
After I got home from the shower, it had been agreed that Chris and I would have a major house cleaning, which would help me feel a TON better about bringing a baby home in a couple weeks. And so I was pleasantly surprised to be welcomed home to an apartment almost all the way cleaned, by a very proud husband. :) Turns out my brother (brother of the year award) was in our area for a little bit in the afternoon, came by to hang out with Chris and have lunch, and started cleaning up my mess of a kitchen when he was done. This combined with the fact that Chris was already planning his preemptive cleaning of the living room, bedroom and bathroom. They did a great job!
So instead of a really boring date night, we got to spend the evening going through baby gifts, watching The Lorax and having leftover Chinese and junk food.
So today finds me setting up baby girl's bassinet, exchanging a few gifts, writing some thank you's, and erranding.
As per my blogging schedule, next post might be introduction of our little girl!
I was blessed by my church family yesterday with a baby shower - and I really got all the last items I needed. Crib sheets, onesies bigger than 6 months, lotsa lotsa diapers and wipes.
After I got home from the shower, it had been agreed that Chris and I would have a major house cleaning, which would help me feel a TON better about bringing a baby home in a couple weeks. And so I was pleasantly surprised to be welcomed home to an apartment almost all the way cleaned, by a very proud husband. :) Turns out my brother (brother of the year award) was in our area for a little bit in the afternoon, came by to hang out with Chris and have lunch, and started cleaning up my mess of a kitchen when he was done. This combined with the fact that Chris was already planning his preemptive cleaning of the living room, bedroom and bathroom. They did a great job!
So instead of a really boring date night, we got to spend the evening going through baby gifts, watching The Lorax and having leftover Chinese and junk food.
So today finds me setting up baby girl's bassinet, exchanging a few gifts, writing some thank you's, and erranding.
As per my blogging schedule, next post might be introduction of our little girl!
Monday, August 27, 2012
8 weeks to go
I'm feeling really pregnant. And here is what that really, honestly looks like in daily life right now.
I'm having the husband take off one of our two mattresses. It's just getting to be too much of a task to hike myself up into bed. Especially when the energy level is low and naps are becoming more frequent.
I'm short of breath.. a lot. The central concern I have right now with labor is getting enough oxygen during the ordeal. A first-timer concern, for sure. That's just the thought that consumes me...not being able to catch my breath. Being currently congested may play into this one ;)
Getting spooked when someone tosses me something, or when objects come into proximity of my face or upper body. Wayyy too flighty.
I really don't mean these as complaints, just descriptions of the reality that I didn't fully know went hand in hand with pregnancy, and the third trimester in particular. I am really overall pleased with how mobile I still am; still oriented towards outings and commitments with friends and family. Hoping it lasts all the way through!
Timeline progression!
9 weeks
15 weeks
26 weeks
28 weeks
32 weeks
I'm having the husband take off one of our two mattresses. It's just getting to be too much of a task to hike myself up into bed. Especially when the energy level is low and naps are becoming more frequent.
I'm short of breath.. a lot. The central concern I have right now with labor is getting enough oxygen during the ordeal. A first-timer concern, for sure. That's just the thought that consumes me...not being able to catch my breath. Being currently congested may play into this one ;)
Getting spooked when someone tosses me something, or when objects come into proximity of my face or upper body. Wayyy too flighty.
I really don't mean these as complaints, just descriptions of the reality that I didn't fully know went hand in hand with pregnancy, and the third trimester in particular. I am really overall pleased with how mobile I still am; still oriented towards outings and commitments with friends and family. Hoping it lasts all the way through!
Timeline progression!
9 weeks
15 weeks
26 weeks
28 weeks
32 weeks
Friday, August 17, 2012
just because
Chris' treat from Costco for me. It almost partly compensates for being 7 month's pregnant in August. :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
The Project Front
Easy "fashion statement" jewelry that I am capable of making! Underneath the embroidery floss is just craft wire.. it's kind of fun twisting the wire to form words. The wire loops at both ends so you can fasten a necklace chain onto it, like so.
Wall art! Amazing what canvas, a little scrapbook paper and some ink can do.
In California, my sister unloaded her newborn headbands into my baby stash.. came up with this place to hang them, using an old picture frame and some twine across the back.
And speaking of baby projects - a big one has been baby's corner in our room. Here's where I'm at right now. I'm a little stuck.. can't decide if I want to leave it as is, or add anything else. Don't want a whole bunch of clutter on the walls but I feel the area could use something with texture.
Wall art! Amazing what canvas, a little scrapbook paper and some ink can do.
In California, my sister unloaded her newborn headbands into my baby stash.. came up with this place to hang them, using an old picture frame and some twine across the back.
And speaking of baby projects - a big one has been baby's corner in our room. Here's where I'm at right now. I'm a little stuck.. can't decide if I want to leave it as is, or add anything else. Don't want a whole bunch of clutter on the walls but I feel the area could use something with texture.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
First and Last Vacay
Chris and I took our first vacation as a married couple - and our last vacation as just a married couple :)
Flew down to lovely San Diego to visit two sisters and their families and my mom, who was still out at my sister's place for an extended stay.
While there, we made it out to Seaport Village again. Love this little spot of shops and eats bordering the bay. We took a day trip out here two summers ago with the fam on our last San Diego road trip.
My niece was so excited to hold the parrot like last time.
What's San Diego without a beach/bay trip? This pic is from Mission Bay. Had little (less than a year old) ones with us, and so the bay affords an easier time of watching them than at the beach - less crowds, less chaos, no sneaker waves.
Lots of pool time, also. It had been a little while since I'd been in the water, and so it felt better than expected on my 6 month's pregnant belly. :)
We made it a point to continue on some traditions while there.... Taco Tuesday at On the Border, game night with "Funglish" and my competitive family, and my sister made us her famous potato soup. My 3 year old nephew regaled us with parts of his favorite movie "Real Steel," (he also does an impressive robot dance from one of the scenes), the girls did manicures and a spa night, and it was a great time especially of seeing my mom for the first time since the wedding.
Flew down to lovely San Diego to visit two sisters and their families and my mom, who was still out at my sister's place for an extended stay.
While there, we made it out to Seaport Village again. Love this little spot of shops and eats bordering the bay. We took a day trip out here two summers ago with the fam on our last San Diego road trip.
My niece was so excited to hold the parrot like last time.
What's San Diego without a beach/bay trip? This pic is from Mission Bay. Had little (less than a year old) ones with us, and so the bay affords an easier time of watching them than at the beach - less crowds, less chaos, no sneaker waves.
Lots of pool time, also. It had been a little while since I'd been in the water, and so it felt better than expected on my 6 month's pregnant belly. :)
We made it a point to continue on some traditions while there.... Taco Tuesday at On the Border, game night with "Funglish" and my competitive family, and my sister made us her famous potato soup. My 3 year old nephew regaled us with parts of his favorite movie "Real Steel," (he also does an impressive robot dance from one of the scenes), the girls did manicures and a spa night, and it was a great time especially of seeing my mom for the first time since the wedding.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Day Trip to Bend and Nursery Project
I didn't, however, fall in love with the $28 price tag. Instead, I went home and made my own! This is *my* version of a "nursery project" (yep, I'm aware of the fact that it's The Troggs lyrics!).
This started off as a wooden hanging board/coat rack my mom gave me. I had Chris spray paint it black, then I came up with a font and lettered on first with a fabric pencil, then painted over in white. Pretty happy with it. Something to go in our nursery "corner" (since we are in a one-bedroom right now).
We also became frantically excited over a tile sale that the shop had going on. Lots of 4X4, 6X6 and 8X8 tiles for 50 cents, a buck and $2 each. Really pretty, albeit random designs. Some matched, some didn't. We each picked one with the guidelines that we had to come up with something crafty/decorative to use it for. We're also planning on pinteresting tile projects, and so next time we're in Sisters, we'll stock up! We didn't find out until we went to the counter to purchase, that they are the leftovers from a company that does tiling projects in mansions. In a job, each tile will go for about $12. We felt even better about our purchase after that :) Here is mine.
Pretty sure this is bad blogging...
I was just reminded I have a blog. Ok, I knew it all along... I was trying to forget?? :)
The neglected months and their highlights.
January: For the life of me the only interesting thing I can remember from this month was filing taxes as a married couple for the first time. Riveting. Obviously we were still (and are!) in the honeymoon phase, so life together was still new and fun :)
February: Announcing our pregnancy on my birthday! Yay.
March: Brother comes home from Hawaii/Sudan/Hawaii. The three of us visiting my grandparents in Washington on St. Patty's Day to celebrate their anniversary.
April: Heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time :D :D
May: Battling awful morning sickness... almost done battling.. oh also getting in a car accident with, praise God, no injuries! Going to see good friends A & D in Olympia, WA. Feeling my baby MOVE and KICK for the first time.
June: Seeing my baby (girl!) for the first time! Crazy one day trip up to Seattle for Chris to buy his dream bike ;) Bridal shower for my good good friend. Having my LAST day of work on the 29th!
July: Getaway trip for the bride to a McKenzie river cabin.. gorgeous outdoor wedding for her the following weekend. Brother-in-law coming back from his summer job in AK.
And now, Chris and I leave for vacation on Saturday in sunny San Diego! It will be so good to be with my family again.. some of whom I have not seen in exactly two years. Our grandma passed away less than a week ago, and so time spent together will be especially comforting and appreciated right now.
That's my last half-year. Apparently I need accountability to keep this blogging thing going.. so please hold me to it! Thanks :)
The neglected months and their highlights.
January: For the life of me the only interesting thing I can remember from this month was filing taxes as a married couple for the first time. Riveting. Obviously we were still (and are!) in the honeymoon phase, so life together was still new and fun :)
February: Announcing our pregnancy on my birthday! Yay.
March: Brother comes home from Hawaii/Sudan/Hawaii. The three of us visiting my grandparents in Washington on St. Patty's Day to celebrate their anniversary.
April: Heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time :D :D
May: Battling awful morning sickness... almost done battling.. oh also getting in a car accident with, praise God, no injuries! Going to see good friends A & D in Olympia, WA. Feeling my baby MOVE and KICK for the first time.
June: Seeing my baby (girl!) for the first time! Crazy one day trip up to Seattle for Chris to buy his dream bike ;) Bridal shower for my good good friend. Having my LAST day of work on the 29th!
July: Getaway trip for the bride to a McKenzie river cabin.. gorgeous outdoor wedding for her the following weekend. Brother-in-law coming back from his summer job in AK.
And now, Chris and I leave for vacation on Saturday in sunny San Diego! It will be so good to be with my family again.. some of whom I have not seen in exactly two years. Our grandma passed away less than a week ago, and so time spent together will be especially comforting and appreciated right now.
That's my last half-year. Apparently I need accountability to keep this blogging thing going.. so please hold me to it! Thanks :)
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