Monday, August 27, 2012

8 weeks to go

I'm feeling really pregnant. And here is what that really, honestly looks like in daily life right now.

I'm having the husband take off one of our two mattresses. It's just getting to be too much of a task to hike myself up into bed. Especially when the energy level is low and naps are becoming more frequent.

I'm short of breath.. a lot. The central concern I have right now with labor is getting enough oxygen during the ordeal. A first-timer concern, for sure. That's just the thought that consumes me...not being able to catch my breath. Being currently congested may play into this one ;)

Getting spooked when someone tosses me something, or when objects come into proximity of my face or upper body. Wayyy too flighty.

I really don't mean these as complaints, just descriptions of the reality that I didn't fully know went hand in hand with pregnancy, and the third trimester in particular. I am really overall pleased with how mobile I still am; still oriented towards outings and commitments with friends and family. Hoping it lasts all the way through!

Timeline progression!

9 weeks

15 weeks
26 weeks
28 weeks

 32 weeks


  1. Alot of what you describe is what happened with my pregnancy (except having my hubby remove a mattress because we just have the one). You will find enough oxygen during labor--words can't really describe it, YOU WILL FIND THE AIR!! I am so excited to meet your baby (I am sure that you are way more excited than I am!) You are so close to being done!

  2. Hi Sarah--just found your blog and was so excited to see photos. It seems so strange to think that a year has nearly gone by, but it looks like it's been an amazing year for you!
